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All About Rhizosphaera Needle Cast
Rhizosphaera needle cast is a disease of spruce trees caused by the fungus Rhizosphaera kalkhoff that commonly affects trees growing outside of their native range. Rhizosphaera starts on the inner and lower growth and progresses upward through the …
Read More:All About Rhizosphaera Needle CastMagnolia Scale
Neolecanium cornuparvum, is amongst the largest scale insect to infest shade trees, with some individuals reaching %” in length. As the common name suggests, this scale is a frequent pest of magnolia species, including star, saucer, and the cucumber …
Read More:Magnolia ScaleJapanese Beetles
Native to Japan, the Japanese beetle (Popilia japonica) was first detected in New Jersey in about 1916. It has since spread to nearly every state east of the Mississippi, and continues to spread each year. The adult beetles are skeletonizers, which …
Read More:Japanese BeetlesBronze Birch Borer
Native to North America, damage caused by the BBB dates back to the late 1800’s and continues to present day. This pest is known to attack all native and non-native species of birch, although susceptibility varies. The BBB is opportunistic and …
Read More:Bronze Birch BorerSpotted Lantern Fly
The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, is an invasive plant hopper native to China, Vietnam, and India. The spotted lanternfly was confirmed in Pennsylvania in September, 2014. Adults can lay eggs on any smooth surface like rocks, siding, or …
Read More:Spotted Lantern FlyLighting Up Your Landscape
We spend significant time and money landscaping our yards, planting gardens, and building beautiful outdoor spaces, yet are left with very little time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor. As soon as the sun sets, we head back inside.
Read More:Lighting Up Your LandscapeFoodscaping: Sustainability and Aesthetic
If you’re looking for new ways to lessen the stress of rising grocery costs, Foodscaping could be the answer. While gardening has always been a wise choice for combating expensive trips to the store, the hobby has definitely been a rising trend in …
Read More:Foodscaping: Sustainability and AestheticRose Pruning Tips
The basic principles of rose pruning are the same, regardless of the rose type, but the timing of pruning, amount to remove, and objectives are slightly different, depending on the type. Here’s how to prune roses.
Read More:Rose Pruning TipsTips For Preparing Your Lawn For Summer Stress
As summer heat conditions begin to set in here in Wisconsin, you may be concerned about what effect this could have on your lawn. During extreme heat and droughts, it’s normal for a lawn to go dormant this time of year, here are some tips to help …
Read More:Tips For Preparing Your Lawn For Summer StressPruning Care for Ornamental Shade Trees
Tree pruning is recommended for all ornamental/shade trees that are cultivated for landscape purposes every 3-7 years, depending on the species. Of course if there is damage from a storm, disease, or other situation, then we recommend pruning to …
Read More:Pruning Care for Ornamental Shade TreesWhat Happens If You Don’t Remove Fall Leaves?
A lawn with a thick layer of leaves is at risk for developing diseases, pest infestations, and weakened grass growth. Removing your leaves with a professional service will protect your lawn from these issues.
Read More:What Happens If You Don’t Remove Fall Leaves?Is Aeration Enough? Do I REALLY Need Overseeding?
You’re likely familiar with the aeration, or at least those plugs you see on the ground, but what you may not realize is that the aeration process helps the overall health of the lawn. Fall aeration is often combined with overseeding, which is the …