Author: Web Team
The Silent Struggle: How Plants Endure Stress Under Heavy Snow and Ice in Wisconsin
In Wisconsin, our plants adapt to winter coming and going each year. The snow acts as a natural insulator to plants from winter’s freezing effects, then as it melts it helps replete the soil moisture for plants to use as they break dormancy. Yet, …
Read More:The Silent Struggle: How Plants Endure Stress Under Heavy Snow and Ice in WisconsinKeep Planting Perennials in Fall
Whether you believe it or not, fall is a great time to start planting perennials! The conditions are perfect for the roots to establish themselves! This is all going to be based in our zone which happens to be Zone 5b. You will want to plant early, …
Read More:Keep Planting Perennials in FallPlants for Winter Interest
Plants in your garden can provide a beautiful outdoor space for the spring and summer months, but what happens in your garden when the cool fall breeze sets in and things begin to go dormant for winter? With the right plants and design, your winter …
Read More:Plants for Winter InterestUnderstanding The Effects of Snow and Ice
Every year, ice storms roll through the state that have the potential to cause considerable damage to urban and natural areas. Glazed roads, power outages, and fallen trees may cause injury to people, property, and your pocketbook.
Read More:Understanding The Effects of Snow and IceCrabapple Trees and Fruit Persistence
Ornamental crabapple trees are widely popular in landscapes for their spring flowering beauty, interesting shape and colorful fall fruit. The variety of color the blossoms can add to your landscape make it a great addition to any color scheme, …
Read More:Crabapple Trees and Fruit PersistenceThings To Do in February
In the midwest, there’s not much for us to do in the garden at this time of year. If you’re itching to do something to keep yourself busy, we made a list!
Read More:Things To Do in FebruaryOld Wood or New Wood on Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are a very popular landscape plant because they have such beautiful flowers, and they’re generally pretty easy to take care of. But there’s also a ton of confusion about hydrangea care and how to keep them looking their best.
Read More:Old Wood or New Wood on HydrangeasWinterizing Lawn in Wisconsin
Even though your lawn may look great now with all of the rain and cool weather we have been having, keeping that fresh green look going strong for next season requires proper fall care and maintenance now. Looks can be deceiving, and while your yard …
Read More:Winterizing Lawn in WisconsinGardening Tips For May
The month of May is when spring really arrives in full force! We can get so much done in our garden this month including, planting our vegetables from seed, keeping plants tidy, weeding, fertilizing plants, pruning early flowering shrubs, removing …
Read More:Gardening Tips For MayWild Parsnip
Wild Parsnip can be found in open fields, lawns, along roadsides, and in pastures. It grows up to 5’ tall and has hollow, grooved stems that are hairless. The leaves look very similar to large celery leaves, yellow-green and coarsely toothed. Wild …
Read More:Wild ParsnipPlants That Push Snooze in Spring
There are a number of shrubs or perennials that simply don’t leaf out as early as everything else in your yard. Many plants stay in dormancy a little longer when spring arrives, some of these perennials and shrubs include:
Read More:Plants That Push Snooze in SpringApple Scab
Apple scab, caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis, is not considered a serious threat to crabapple or apple trees; however, repeated annual infections can weaken the tree making it more susceptible to other insect or disease problems.